What is Temperament, Character, and Personality; and why should it matter to me? Part 1: Temperament
Great question and many others have inquired about this subject matter. In order to fully understand temperament, it is fist necessary to define what it is not. Temperament does not mean temper, raging, anger, and exploding, offended or getting upset. Even though all five temperament types have anger components to...
Why You Keep Struggling!
Does what we do determine who we are or does who we are determine what we do? This question sounds confusing, doesn't it? Allow me to state it differently. Do looks, status, degree, etc., determine our value or does the Truth of God's Word -Specifically our identity...
You Can Overcome That Struggle By Knowing This
You can overcome that STRUGGLE by Knowing This: I was honored to travel to the country of Sudan in 2000. As a matter of fact, Osama Bin Laden was in Sudan at the same time. It was my first experience in Sudan and the poverty was unbelievable. As Christians, we once...
Your Question: Why is it so difficult to let go?
The Truth; The Answer that Works! Letting go is a struggle for everyone. It depends upon what or whom we are attempting to let go. Consider the following principles to enable the process of letting go to begin to happen: Letting Go --Edited by: Dr. Rickey A. Nation,...
Love Always Wins?
Does love always win? That question has been asked by many people who have experienced a lot of pain in relationships. Ask the wife who has just received news that her husband has been unfaithful to her. Ask the abused child what kind of love they received from a...
Your Question! Why is it so difficult to trust God?
God's Answer! I have been asked this question, in one form or another, by almost everyone whom seeks counseling at Abundant Life. Used as a verb, trust means, "Place confidence in." Stating the question differently, "why is it so difficult to place confidence in God?"...
By Knowing and Applying This, Your Life Can Become 1000 Times Richer
I regularly received motivational or spiritually related material from people. Some in the form of books, and others by email. This email changed my life and has made me 1000 time richer. It can do the same for you. “Who We are Makes a Difference” A New York teacher...
A Great Woman
A great woman loves herself. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to read her mind. She is quite capable of articulating her needs. A great woman is hopeful. She...
Your Question! What is the difference between traditional secular therapy and Christian Bible based counseling?
God's Answer: I have been asked this question many times through the years. I have developed a comparison table to give and accurate answer. The table is as follows: 1. Founded upon evolution. 1. Founded upon Creation. 2. Not standardized. 2. Standardization through...
Your Question! What is God’s cure for rejection?
God's Answer! Rejection, we have all experienced its stinging pain. Rejection can leave feelings of hurt, anger, disappointment and loneliness. However, God’s cure for this relational pain is uniquely simple. Rejection strikes at the core of what we need, which is...